Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.
– Brian Tracy
Our solutions for systematic transfer of learning:
Learning is a journey, not a destination
A learning process does not end with a single training session.
We also support leaders in their daily work – on individual, team, or organisational level. For example, through coaching, team workshops, strategy offsites, customised 360° feedback tools or other activities.

Our Approach
As a manager, you often know best where the shoe pinches.
Based on the leaders’ daily challenges, the seminar evaluation and/or the personal feedback, sometimes previously unknown needs become visible. Together, we discuss what exactly the real need is and offer you individual solutions. Might it be coaching, workshops, digital tool support, etc.
After all, continuous development forms the basis for future entrepreneurial success.
Black Book: Feedback Systems
You would like to improve your feedback system and avoid the most common mistakes? Our “Black Book: Feedback Systems. Why many feedbacks don’t work and what to do about it” is the ultimate practitioners’ guide that helps you avoid the 20+1 most common mistakes in employee opinion surveys (EOS) and 360° feedbacks.
Download your free copy now.