When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.
– Unknown
Setting the Scene:
Leadership needs a framework
To ensure that your corporate strategy is implemented sustainably through goal-oriented leadership, we work with you to design the framework for successful leadership.
We develop corporate values and leadership principles, help define and operationalise leadership competencies, facilitate (strategy) workshops and design and accompany leadership conferences. Your corporate strategy is thus implemented sustainably through effective leadership.

Our Approach
Leaders are constantly confronted with new challenges and must make decisions and act. Knowing company-specific principles and conditions, they can make decisions more easily and act accordingly. Such frameworks provide a basis for maximum empowerment and set direction on how leaders should decide and lead to achieve the company’s goals.
To do so, we take the following factors among others into account:
Is there a vision, mission, and strategy in place, are they known and accepted within the company?
Have the success-critical competencies for leaders been defined?
Are there clearly defined corporate (leadership) values and guidelines that express the company’s own preferred culture?
Is leadership development meaningfully integrated into other HR processes, e.g., talent management and succession planning?
According to which principles and with which instruments are employees lead in the company?
Does the talent pipeline match the company’s ambitions and demographics?