
​​Current Еffects of Corona/COVID-19  on corporate Human Resources Development and Organization Development

​Survey results

​​​​A big thank you to more than 250 multinational European companies, that contributed to this survey and shared their ideas throughout April 2020.

The report gives you some insight on how organizations deal with the impact of CORONA/Covid-19 what effects it has, and the strategies human resources developers and organization developers are using to cope with it. The results enable a first benchmarking, and give you inspirations for your own strategies.

Some of the questions that are discussed in the report:

  • ​​What kind of HRD & OD activities companies have cancelled?
  • ​​​How are companies dealing with the financial impact (e.g. reduced working hours)?
  • ​​How ist he mood of employees and leaders, what are the topics that they are concerned about?
  • ​What helps to cope with the situation?

Please send the newsletter with the report to:

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